Wonder me playschool

Home Wonder me playschool


Personal, Social & Emotional Development

Physical and Motor Development

Personal, Social & Emotional Development

Language and Literacy

Art and Creative Development



Teacher and Parent Notes at the beginning of each unit of work and extra notes at the bottom of relevant pages, make it much easier to implement the myriad activities. These are easy to carry out at school or home.

Theme vegetables are integrated in Wonder Me! The teaching of numbers, and arts & crafts combined with the teaching of animals, as examples

A list of all materials required is provided. These can be obtained locally or provided by Edison Education.

Teacher & Parent Note

Divide the class into 2 groups,each group with number cards 1-10.

The teacher will show a picture card and the children have to show the corresponding number card.

Continue the activity till all the numbers are done.

Now ask the children to “Count the carrots” Give them time to come up with answer.

Then talk about that particular vegetable,its colour,taste, etc

Integrating Vegetable Theme & Numbers
List of Materials & Notes for Teachers & Parents
Association Pages
Integrating Theme Vegetables & Hands-on