Global Me

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Complete Transformation System

Global ME! Is a separate, more elaborate and extensive solution that either Global MAXIM or YES! I Can. It contains more worksheets and hands-on experiences. Global ME! tierbooks are more exhaustive and contain more practice material than other Global curricula.

Control of Error Books helps speed up learning and ensure mastery. A unique daily perfection log replaces a diary

Four Inspire (formative) and two Empower (summative) assessments are given yearly. All Inspire assessments come with self-diagnosis and personal development plans. Full diagnostic reports are provided twice a year.

For Pre-Primary classes, full colour notebooks are mapped to each Tierbook.

Like Global Maxim, each textbook is broken down into 6 tierbooks. This makes for a light backpack and gives students and teacher a sense that the bookwork can be easily finished in the allotted time.

Each subject consists of 6-part Tierbook (a total of some 24-30 Tierbook/child/year). These combined textbook, workbook and teacher guides provide more accountability.

Built in processes meet the objectives of an integrated and effective, personalised , creative ans meaningful education.

Sufficient quantities of hands-on materials ensure that every child will participate and that every class can be converted into a laboratory.

Teacher training and school audits are helpful to the principal.
